Sunday, August 15, 2010


I probably don't need to include this as a cast recording since it's just Cole Porter singing the songs at the piano. JUST Cole Porter singing the songs... Do you hear that? Like that's the consolation prize???? It's so amazing to hear him sing these songs the way he wants to hear it. In fact, the more of his tunes I hear the more impressed I am by the talent. I guess I used to write off all the "de-lovely" crap as old fashioned, but a lot of these older tunes I'm hearing have real depth.
As for Jubilee.

It's fascinating. These are not the traditional Cole Porter songs I though I'd hear. This is almost art song or operatic in presentation. The 'Kling-Kling' sequence seemed much more than just a little musical comedy song. Maybe it was just the length or something, but I get the sense that he tried to push the art form a little with this show. The lyrics are astounding. Read along with the songs sometimes. They are incredible. The verse of "When Me, Mowgli, Love".... please. BUT. and this is a big BUT: the songs don't really further the plot. That's why this show is still so dated. A few songs are great, but we aren't going to see this great work of theater at Beef and Boards Dinner Theater anytime soon. Some of the songs are just list songs with no real purpose other than to charm. I'll give it a: C+ (the plus for lyrics...)

I think a one man show about Porter would be cool. The actor plays and sings the songs, and tells some sort of interesting story about Porter.

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