Thursday, November 1, 2007

Frankenstein (the off-broadway one)

Oh wow.  I tried people, I really tried.  I wanted to like it.  I listened to the demo...twice.  I tried to go with an open mind, no preconceived judgements of any kind.  Well, maybe a couple.  Did you watch the video clip on  Regardless, watch it I did.  It was hard.  I know those actors are trying so hard to make the material work.  I wish I could say the same of the director.  The entire piece lacked storytelling, clear transitions, and clear relationships.  There were great technical aspects like crazy cool projections and tons of fancy lighting.  And yet, I thought these weren't utilized enough.  The music had some nice moments, but I just wish the orchestrations were a little more rich, and a little less tinny.  Hunter Foster tried his hardest to make the whole character work, he is on stage virtually the entire time.  I can't help thinking that he was slightly miscast and should be in the other Frankenstein musical playing on Broadway this season (although how awkward would that be playing opposite his sister...).  Blanchard tried to bring a very human, realistic nature to the beast but really just looks like a very 'special' kind of monster instead.  The real bright spot of the piece however is Christiane Noll.  Every time she opened her mouth I was transformed to another show and forgot that I was bored a minute earlier.  She was worth the price of admission (as long as you got tkts price, or price).  I'd say stay away from this one.  When will people learn that scary monster/vampire shows just don't work.

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