Tuesday, November 15, 2011

ON THE TOWN 12/28/44

This is a fantastic record. While not technically a cast album, I'm including it. So tough. Nice to hear the authors sing the parts they acted originally. Also- Nancy Walker is a blast singing her songs. I bet she was funny to see. Mary Martin, however, was NOT in the original cast. But isn't it nice to hear her croon these songs? Because croon is what she does (she sings Lonely Town!?). Not exactly a sense of urgency in what she is singing about. The actor in me cares, but then I just sit back and enjoy. Young Mary Martin is so pleasant to hear. So pleasant. The orchestrations on the record are lush and busy and fun. Side note. Bernstein is funny to listen to on the record player. He has more than one repetitive passage ('you got me...' or 'it's all free...") to which I got up more than once to check if the player was skipping. GRADE: B

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