Saturday, October 13, 2012

Up In Central Park 1/27/45

My first impulse is to say that I hope I'm not getting more jaded the older I get. Actually, I don't think it's being jaded per se. I'd like to think that knowledge of the art form leads one to make higher informed opinions of said art. Or something like that. Regardless. Up in Central Park is just fine. It's Romberg at his blah-est (with some nice moments). After listening to a lot of (well acted and written) opera recently I'm no longer as impressed with stagnantly acted- yet impeccably sung- musical theater or operetta. So this recording kinda falls flat for me. Eileen Farrell is lovely. Too bad she wasn't in the original cast. The are only a couple other original cast members on this somewhat-complete semi-cast recording. I've always enjoyed Wilbur Evans. He has such a smooth baritone voice that, whilst always singing full out, I get the sense he is always acting and engaged with the story. In fact, every track he sings I find enjoyable. Close As Pages In a Book (Evans and Ferrall) is seeping of syrupy operetta. And I love it. Two great voices voicing voiceless passion. Let's go find more recordings with Wilbur Evans. Incidentally, Celeste Holm shows up on a track about being the Fireman's Bride. GRADE: B+ (the plus for Evans)